pfeffernuesse Member


  • I apologize if what I said sounded judgmental; that was not my intention at all! I only hoped to suggest that any type of fasting or eating at a super low caloric level be coordinated with a physician and/or nutritionist because it could have undesired effects on the body's systems. Again, I'm sorry if what I said came off…
  • I recently did the same thing - working super hard for 2 weeks, getting to the gym regularly, trying new (and difficult) workouts, eating well (like, actually tracking and meeting my caloric and macro goals) and I had lost only a pound. It was discouraging and it was really easy to get mad at myself and feel hopeless about…
  • I have borrowed recipes found on Pinterest that were "Keto" recipes, but I generally eat low-carb/high protein with a moderate amount of fat. I wouldn't say that I intentionally follow a keto diet, though.
    in Keto Comment by pfeffernuesse May 2016
  • Since the food that I eat is what I use to fuel my body and my workouts, I find it very difficult to take any advice that requires me to eat less than my body needs to function. I know that I burn 1631 calories a day just by being a couch potato, so the idea of eating only 500 calories a day is one I can't possibly fathom…
  • I didn't like what I saw in the mirror and I didn't like not feeling as strong as I used to; I want to shed a layer of fat to be able to see the muscles I work so hard to grow, but my issue has always been consistency - consistency going to the gym and consistency with healthy eating. I think both are finally starting to…