I like mine on ice. The quicker I can drink it the better
Whats new
Hi I've lost 16 lbs . I need help too. Need help too. You have a very bright smile. Let's work together
Good luck I will help you out Imanyway I can. You have very pretty eyes
Very proud of your weight lose. You are a very pretty lady
Oh monotone glenn
I'm glad for you. Sounds like you have a good plan.
I have the same problem. Good during the week bad during weekends
Hey how you doing tonight
Good luck with that
Lol I'm so glad I thought I was the only one
Plan your meals through the week
Your a stronger man than me
It's tough. What is your weakness sweets or savories
Going for Broncos but think the Panthers will take it
Good luck stay strong. We will get this done together
Thanks all and good luck to everyone
Don't feel overwhelmed just take it slow. Eat a light breakfast then take it from there
Hey jenn good luck