NippyinLondon Member


  • happy to see others interested in gaining but would like to see my fitness pal with programs for those needing to track weight gain
  • London must be the test zone for weather cause it's always up and down here, like my weight. Isn't there anyone who wants to gain, eh?
  • the info given here is good but I've noticed that being much older (70 yrs. young) gaining weight properly is taking much longer than I thought it would, however, since mid Nov '15, I've gone from 167 approx. to 171 lbs. I'm being coached with this transformation program to include exercises to help re-distribute any…
  • I'm starting to gain slowly and that is what I want. My coach had to drill down first to find out why I wasn't able to gain, either super fast metabolism, sluggish thyroid, parasites or just out of balance. Once it was established, he put me on a strict diet of fruits and vegetables, along with good carbs and proteins and…