michellesorace Member


  • Ugh! I totally understand how you feel! At first I didn't want anyone knowing I was "on a diet" so at work I would just say I wasn't hungry and that I would have some later. As my coworkers saw that I am working hard to lose weight they stopped pushing so much. Now a lot of them are trying to make healthier choices with…
  • Hi Everyone! I am on it too, 33 days so far. Honestly, this is the longest I have ever stuck to it. I have only ever counted calories before but it got to be so time consuming. Plus, I would end up eating 100 calories of chips instead of something healthy. I like the structure of this, and I love most of the food! There…
  • I just bought my second box... Boy this stuff is expensive!! But if I can stay on it, I know it will be worth it!
  • I'm tired of not being able to find clothes that fit, I'm too small on top and bottom for the plus sizes, but my waist is to large for regular sizes. But also... my fiance's daughter is getting married in November and his ex wife will be there. I want to walk into that room feeling confident, and looking better than I ever…
  • Hi Everyone! I am 29 days in! I would love to find people to help keep me motivated to stay on track.
  • I don’t weigh myself. I always have before and I either see the pounds come off and feel I’ve “earned” a cheat, or I don’t see the weight come off and I get discouraged and eat. Either way it doesn’t work for me. You have to decide what will keep you going.
  • Hey tapwaters! I’m on day 22 of Medifast. Maybe it’s similar??? What really helped me in the beginning is drinking a can of sparkling water like La Croix. It helps to fill me up so I wasn’t starving to death! Hang in there!