gingaraffe Member


  • The empty bed bothers me some nights - but my husband was always working I got used to being up by myself and going to bed by myself. Its weird not having to rush home to try to see him before he went to work. Or hoping to see him in the am. Now? Its just me. And the when LOVE finds me again, I'll be more wiser…
  • Sounds fun! I live in Salem - are you in Portland?! Either way, I love whats available and am willing to drive to Portland for a dance class here and there...but I want to dance locally! :D Its something to do and take me out of my comfort zone in way!
  • My weight has always been a big deal for me. But, he's loved me no matter what. It wasnt my weight that made him have the affair, and thats something that I KNOW for a fact. But losing weight has felt empowering to ME. I'm in control of what I eat and when and how I feel. :)
  • 260 Pounds! LOVE THAT IDEA! Hehe!
  • I have friends who want to learn Salsa dancing - and I never thought about that idea before. The fact that its a great place that a man gets to dance with a woman without any pressure! I cant wait! :D I have always wanted to learn how to ballroom dance...and salsa! :P
  • I swear I already replied to this...but Thanks for the wordplay appreciation! Its quite a pain to try to spell my email though when I'm giving it out! I'm a tall redhead = gingaraffe!! hehe! I love the idea of ballroom dancing! I've always wanted to learn! I'll have to add that back to my list! My current list of to dos…
  • I find it interesting that he said he "Missed you". I think I'll always Miss him, on some level or another. I just told him a couple of days ago we shouldn't talk every day because it was setting me back emotionally to know he was talking to me and talking to the "other woman". He of course got mad (his go to emotion) and…
  • I LOVE the idea of the Boyfriend Bonfire! ...My friends and I are actually having a "Mock Funeral" on Valentines Day. I'm writing a eulogy about the man that I loved being gone and dead. Because honestly, I do feel that he is dead. He isnt the man I love and married. And it does help that he's moved, and everything is new…
  • OMG! So, I've always wanted to take dancing lessons! Ballroom dancing at that! ...I need to add that to my "To Do" list! I've already got: Learn Sign Language (I know the basic alphabet), Learn how to play the Violin, and do a NEW Hike Once a Month! Its liberating doing these things for ME