sherrybroom Member


  • Love my Fifbit Charge HR.
  • Thanks! I just know I've been putting in the work and it's just frustrating not seeing it on the scale. And so true.. I didn't gain it in a month. Just those 5 week out goals that show up when you close out your diary are misleading... I was going by that and just had my hopes up.
  • @juliet3455 - thanks for all of the info! @jemhh @murp4069 @synacious @diannethegeek Thanks everyone. Not sure if my expectations are too high/unreasonable as I have known people to lose more in that time frame. I am going by the calorie deficit theory and by that theory I should have lost more. I'm glad I'm on the right…
  • If you click on the ID number of the member then it will go to their page where you can then add them to your friends list. Here is mine
  • I weigh all of my food and scan bar codes for everything I eat if it comes out of a package. I have a Fitbit which tracks my steps and exercise. I'm a runner and run daily. I have ran/walked at least 10 miles a day the past week. I figured no matter how much you weigh that if you burn more than you take in then it would…
  • Add me.. I run everyday and am quite active. I have also ran half marathons so any questions feel free to ask! :)
  • I am a new Fitbit user. You can add me.