KymberE Member


  • Hello! I've just re-dedicated myself to a "better for me" lifestyle. Over the last 2 years, I have made changes to my life and/or had things happend that I let things go from a healthier 160 lbs now to my largest weight EVER, Oct. 2019 was at 201 lbs. After I saw that weight, I will admit that I just sunk into a…
  • I am the exact same! I have been a member for years then fall off the wagon etc. I am seriously going to try, this time!!! My issues aren't so much the eating, it's drinking beer and not exercising!!! LOL I have had some things change in my life over the last few months that have now made me want to give this a serious…
  • I've taken if off and on for 5 years! As meds affect everyone, differently, I've NEVER had a problem with this medication, outside of the cotton mouth and headache, which is caused from not eating (self induced). I lost 50 lbs on this and kept it off! IT's all about the choices you make for yourself. nothing is ever full…