freakymistkd Member


  • 1/7 - 30min walk 2/7 - 1hr 10min walk 3/7 - rest 4/7 - rest 5/7 - rest 6/7 - rest 7/7 - 2hr walk Total - 3hr + 40min History April - 25hr 35min May - 27hr 30min June - 14hr 50min Was nice to see the sun and be able to get outside today.
  • July goals - 4th month of challenge Highest day - 26,012 achieved on may 16 Daily goals for work days - 14,000 Daily goals for days off - 6,000 Monthly total goal - 290,000 1/7 - 14,992 w :smiley: 2/7 - 14,708 o :smiley: :smiley: 3/7 - 6,074 o :smiley: 4/7 - 6,012 o :smiley: 5/7 - 6,674 o :smiley: 6/7 - 6,021 o :smiley:…
  • July goals - fifth month of this challenge No snacking after dinner 25/31 nights. 6/25 Can snack after dinner 6/31nights. 0/6 July 6 Me - 6* LNS - 0 Streak - 6 Current streak - 38
  • 1/7 - 30min walk 2/7 - 1hr 10min walk 3/7 - rest 4/7 - rest 5/7 - rest 6/7 - rest Total - 1hr + 40min History April - 25hr 35min May - 27hr 30min June - 14hr 50min
  • July goals - fifth month of this challenge No snacking after dinner 25/31 nights. 5/25 Can snack after dinner 6/31nights. 0/6 July 5 Me - 5* LNS - 0 Streak - 5 Current streak - 37
  • July goals - 4th month of challenge Highest day - 26,012 achieved on may 16 Daily goals for work days - 14,000 Daily goals for days off - 6,000 Monthly total goal - 290,000 1/7 - 14,992 w :smiley: 2/7 - 14,708 o :smiley: :smiley: 3/7 - 6,074 o :smiley: 4/7 - 6,012 o :smiley: 5/7 - 6,674 o :smiley: 241,540steps to go
  • 1/7 - 30min walk 2/7 - 1hr 10min walk 3/7 - rest 4/7 - rest 5/7 - rest Total - 1hr + 40min History April - 25hr 35min May - 27hr 30min June - 14hr 50min
  • July goals - 4th month of challenge Highest day - 26,012 achieved on may 16 Daily goals for work days - 14,000 Daily goals for days off - 6,000 Monthly total goal - 290,000 1/7 - 14,992 w :smiley: 2/7 - 14,708 o :smiley: :smiley: 3/7 - 6,074 o :smiley: 4/7 - 6,012 o :smiley: 248,214 steps to go
  • July goals - fifth month of this challenge No snacking after dinner 25/31 nights. 4/25 Can snack after dinner 6/31nights. 0/6 July 4 Me - 4* LNS - 0 Streak - 4 Current streak - 36/Previous Longest Streak - 36 @WalkerPop yes you're right, thankyou :smiley:
  • 1/7 - 30min walk 2/7 - 1hr 10min walk 3/7 - rest 4/7 - rest Total - 1hr + 40min History April - 25hr 35min May - 27hr 30min June - 14hr 50min
  • July goals - 4th month of challenge Highest day - 26,012 achieved on may 16 Daily goals for work days - 14,000 Daily goals for days off - 6,000 Monthly total goal - 290,000 1/7 - 14,992 w :smiley: 2/7 - 14,708 o :smiley: :smiley: 3/7 - 6,074 o :smiley: 254,226 steps to go
  • July goals - fifth month of this challenge No snacking after dinner 25/31 nights. 3/25 Can snack after dinner 6/31nights. 0/6 July 3 Me - 3* LNS - 0 Streak - 3 Current streak - 35/Previous Longest Streak - 32
  • 1/7 - 30min walk 2/7 - 1hr 10min walk 3/7 - rest Total - 1hr + 40min History April - 25hr 35min May - 27hr 30min June - 14hr 50min
  • July goals - 4th month of challenge Highest day - 26,012 achieved on may 16 Daily goals for work days - 14,000 Daily goals for days off - 6,000 Monthly total goal - 290,000 1/7 - 14,992 w :smiley: 2/7 - 14,708 o :smiley: :smiley: 260,300 steps to go Today gets a double smiley because it's a day off
  • 1/7 - 30min walk 2/7 - 1hr 10min walk Total - 1hr + 40min History April - 25hr 35min May - 27hr 30min June - 14hr 50min
  • July goals - fifth month of this challenge No snacking after dinner 25/31 nights. 2/25 Can snack after dinner 6/31nights. 0/6 July 2 Me - 2* LNS - 0 Streak - 2 Current streak - 34/Previous Longest Streak - 32
  • July goals - 4th month of challenge Highest day - 26,012 achieved on may 16 Daily goals for work days - 14,000 Daily goals for days off - 6,000 Monthly total goal - 290,000 1/7 - 14,992 :smiley: 275,008 steps to go
  • 1/7 - 30min walk Total - 0hr + 30min History April - 25hr 35min May - 27hr 30min June - 14hr 50min
  • July goals - fifth month of this challenge No snacking after dinner 25/31 nights. 1/25 Can snack after dinner 6/31nights. 0/6 July 1 Me - 1* LNS - 0 Streak - 1 Current streak - 33/Previous Longest Streak - 32
  • July goals - fifth month of this challenge No snacking after dinner 25/31 nights. 0/25 Can snack after dinner 6/31nights. 0/6 July 0 Me - 0* LNS - 0 Streak - 0 Current streak - 32/Previous Longest Streak - 32
  • June Goals - fourth month of this challenge No snacking after dinner 24/30 nights 25/24 Can snack after dinner 6/30 nights 5/6 June 39 Me - 30* LNS - 0 Streak - 30 Overall streak-32/Previous Longest Streak-32 ***I can feel a new longest streak coming on*** Woohoo! I did it, matched my previous Longest streak by also have a…
  • 1/6 - 20min utube workout + 1hr walk + 20min jog 2/6 - 1hr 20min walk 3/6 - 55min utube workouts + 55min walk 4/6 - 10min walk + 40min utube workout 5/6 - 1hr 10min utube workouts 6/6 - 25min walk + 30min utube workout 7/6 - rest/ study day 8/6 - rest/ study day 9/6 - rest 10/6 - rest 11/6 - rest/life 12/6 - rest/life 13/6…
  • June - 3rd month of challenge Highest day - 26,012 achieved on may 16th Daily Goal for work days - 17,500 Daily Goal for days off - 12,500 Monthly Total Goal - 500,000 1/6 - 17,842 :smiley: 2/6 - 18,577 :smiley: 3/6 - 20,308 :smiley: 4/6 - 12,819 :smiley: 5/6 - 13,883 :smiley: 6/6 - 12,740 :disappointed: 7/6 - 7,121 had to…
  • June Goals - fourth month of this challenge No snacking after dinner 24/30 nights 24/24 Can snack after dinner 6/30 nights 5/6 June 29 Me - 29* LNS - 0 Streak - 29 Overall streak-31/Previous Longest Streak-32 ***I can feel a new longest streak coming on***
  • 1/6 - 20min utube workout + 1hr walk + 20min jog 2/6 - 1hr 20min walk 3/6 - 55min utube workouts + 55min walk 4/6 - 10min walk + 40min utube workout 5/6 - 1hr 10min utube workouts 6/6 - 25min walk + 30min utube workout 7/6 - rest/ study day 8/6 - rest/ study day 9/6 - rest 10/6 - rest 11/6 - rest/life 12/6 - rest/life 13/6…
  • June - 3rd month of challenge Highest day - 26,012 achieved on may 16th Daily Goal for work days - 17,500 Daily Goal for days off - 12,500 Monthly Total Goal - 500,000 1/6 - 17,842 :smiley: 2/6 - 18,577 :smiley: 3/6 - 20,308 :smiley: 4/6 - 12,819 :smiley: 5/6 - 13,883 :smiley: 6/6 - 12,740 :disappointed: 7/6 - 7,121 had to…
  • June - 3rd month of challenge Highest day - 26,012 achieved on may 16th Daily Goal for work days - 17,500 Daily Goal for days off - 12,500 Monthly Total Goal - 500,000 1/6 - 17,842 :smiley: 2/6 - 18,577 :smiley: 3/6 - 20,308 :smiley: 4/6 - 12,819 :smiley: 5/6 - 13,883 :smiley: 6/6 - 12,740 :disappointed: 7/6 - 7,121 had to…
  • 1/6 - 20min utube workout + 1hr walk + 20min jog 2/6 - 1hr 20min walk 3/6 - 55min utube workouts + 55min walk 4/6 - 10min walk + 40min utube workout 5/6 - 1hr 10min utube workouts 6/6 - 25min walk + 30min utube workout 7/6 - rest/ study day 8/6 - rest/ study day 9/6 - rest 10/6 - rest 11/6 - rest/life 12/6 - rest/life 13/6…
  • June Goals - fourth month of this challenge No snacking after dinner 24/30 nights 22/24 Can snack after dinner 6/30 nights 5/6 June 28 Me - 28* LNS - 0 Streak - 28 Overall streak-30/Previous Longest Streak-32 ***I can feel a new longest streak coming on***