I felt sick for the first 2 weeks and my doctor only has me on 2 pills. Thw first week I took one the next I took 2 and by the end of each of the 7 days I did not feel sick anymore I count calories and take contrave and im down loke 34 pounds sense Feb 5 2016
I have been on con trave sense Feb 5 2016 and I have lost 34 pounds I believe. Con trave the first two weeks of trying made me feel naustiouse and it only did that when I tried it last year for 2 months and couldn't finish because of the price. But I didn't get sick when I started in Feb. It does make me constipated and I…
So I can cut back what should I eat instead? That is what I ment
I have a food scale that puts everything in eithwr grams Oz or pounds and I always use oz. What can I substitute for the carbs ?
The pills I take do constipated me so I ahve to take stool softner everyday. One day I feel really bloated and three days later I feel fine but then bloated again and I had Tom 2 weeks ago so it isn't that .. thank you for everyone's help and encouragement !!
Im also on Contrave