You have probably heard from your doctor by now. I just saw your test results. The vitamin D is apparently controversial in the medical community- bone people feel that it should be higher- The TSH could be the reason for all of this! I'm hypothyroid too. You don't lose hair from treating hypothyroidism! You lose it from…
I only saw one picture. But it very well could be hormonal. When hormones change, the body's placement of fat can change dramatically, even in one year. I'd go get a second opinion at a gynecologist or endocrinologist. (fat levels can affect hormones, thyroid and parathyroid, vitamin D-- all of this-- did you get these…
This stuff makes me nauseated too! So I started researching the ingredients: whey protein powder, caseinate (look that up!- yeikes) Corn oil, corn syrup solids, artificial flavors, Fructose, Aspartame, and some stuff I have yet to look up. I went from being someone who has always cooked all of my meals (including…