Doogbob Member


  • Started getting anxiety attacks that were stopping me from living a normal life. This was five years after a suicide in the family. Had cognitive therapy for that, but after a while it just got the better of me. Before all of that I was somewhat disinterested in doing stuff anyway. So the event etc was just a catalyst to…
    in depression Comment by Doogbob March 2016
  • I think the point the OP is trying to make is that some perpetually fat people use the "big bones" excuse to cover up for a lazy attitude towards weight loss. I remember a hilarious conversation with an orthopaedic surgeon. He would try to get patients down to a suitable weight before he would give the green light for knee…
  • My ACL was stuffed and still is. Sixteen years since now. So no sorry, no experience losing weight after a reconstruction. Plenty of experience with an ACL and recurring knee failures (in the first five years anyway). Is it possible your scenario is similar to people post knee replacement? There should be a few of those…