ritaw68 Member


  • I had an omelet made with 1 egg and 2/3 liquid egg white loaded with spinach; a 6 oz. low sodium V8 juice (to take vitamins with) and 32 ounces of water. This is what I eat mostly every morning and it really fills me up.
  • I went from the Fitbit Zip to the Alta. I really like it. It seems to be pretty accurate with counting steps. I like the clock and the reminders. I don't really use it for sleep because I find it uncomfortable to sleep in. My only con, and this is minor; I don't put my Alta on first thing in the morning because I have to…
  • I will definitely add you. I will be 48 in May. I am DETERMINED to be a healthy, fit, beautiful 50 year old!!
  • Also the next time you grocery shop, try to stock up on foods that you can have a lot of, but not expend too many calories. I find that if I limit white carbs, I can eat more. Focusing on meats, fruits, veggies and nuts, I feel like I eat a lot and am not feeling hungry throughout my day. Also I drink at least 64 ounces of…
    in Help! Comment by ritaw68 March 2016
  • Exercise is a struggle, but invest in a Fitbit or some other step tracking device and just start going for walks. It is a great way to slowly get going with exercise. Also, you can challenge friends and it gives you motivation. It really works.
  • One more thing. If you have a smartphone, definitely download the app. It makes it incredibly easy to log.
  • You should try not to see this as a "diet." This is a lifestyle and just like with any lifestyle change, it takes hard work and commitment but once you commit and start seeing the changes, it will motivate you. I'm not sure if you cook, but try researching healthy alternative recipes to meals that you already love. Try not…
  • I try to drink a couple of 32 oz bottles a water a day to get my water intake. I will save the last 32 ounces to drink while eating dinner. That usually makes me really full and I can make it to bed without wanting anything else.
  • Hey everyone. I am a MFP return customer. I had taken a break and joined WW through my job and I did lose some weight. Of course as WW do, they have changed the plan and I am just not liking the changes. So I thought I would return to old faithful. LOL. I am 47 (will have to morph over to the 50 somethings in a few years…