kkfaith7 Member


  • Hi everyone ! I started on the 28th of August. Down 4 pounds and 30 more to go. Going low carb as that's what seems to work best. Add me! Would love the support
  • This is perfect! I'm so glad to have stumbled across this thread. I just turned 30 last month and restarted my weight loss regime last Monday. I've lost 4 lbs so far and have 30 more to go. It seems as though I've come to the right place with people who have very similar goals! I am definitely looking for a little support…
  • Anyone can feel free to add me as well :) looking for friends to keep me accountable !
  • They say motivation is what gets you started, habit is what keeps you going. I agree with some of the other posters. If you look at your body and aren't happy with what you see, that should be motivation enough to get started. Then once you get into the habit of fitting work outs into your schedule, it'll be easier to keep…
  • Hey there. I was recently heavy into the gym but with a half marathon about twelve weeks away I absolutely need to put in the training. I've been running about 5 days a week within the last few weeks and would love some motivation too. It's easy to skip it after a long day at work, when it's already dark out but being held…