ChrissyB4848 Member


  • 175.3 today!
  • Thanks! 176 today. I'm hoping this means the plateau is over. I really allow the medication to tell me when I'm full. I think if I had fought it a continued to eat when I felt full I wouldn't still be working for me. I I almost all of my cravings and if I do indulge, in am satisfied after only a couple of bites.
  • Hi All, It's been awhile. I am almost down 50lbs since February. I have hit what I am going to call a plateau, but I also know there are a few things I could change to start losing again. I know I need to increase my activity, drink more water and cut down on salty foods at the end of the day. That said, I am down 91lbs…
  • 2lbs a week is fantastic! At the Doctor, I have lost 40lbs. At home I'm at 38lbs. Are you still feeling sick? That is terrible. It doesn't bother me at all anymore. I barely notice I'm on it, you know, until I give myself a needle lol.
  • Could you maybe switch to Saxenda? Or does it even matter which it is? I've lost 35 since February, you could potentially lose 50 by August. Who knows maybe you'll hit a happy place before then? I feel so frustrated for you. I'm also fortunate that my husband's insurance covers anti obesity drugs that are prescribed by a…
  • That's interesting! Maybe it does. That's not the first time I've heard that.
  • Frickity frack. I can't even imagine letting go of saxenda. How close are you to having to come off of it?
  • That's great news! Just keep sticking with it. Though, it's an amazing tool, it isn't magic. I have lost 33lbs since February and I am just learning to cut myself and the drug some slack. I was between 194-195 for a full week. Up until that plateau I had been consistently losing everyday 0.2, 0.3, you get the idea. Now…
  • 2 months later, I'm still just nibbling at stuff. For me, it's liberating. I hope you are feeling good about it!
  • That's amazing!! Great job!!
  • Great! Good for you! I'm a stickler on here for tracking. I track all of my calories. I feel better seeing it. What's great able lower calories all week is that if I do eat more one day, I really don't have to worry about it!
  • I actually haven't heard from her in awhile. I just know she wasn't well when she started at the dose she stopped at. It had been a few days. I know that some people on here have stayed at lower doses longer and for them that seems to work. I hope you're ok and it's not a serious bug! I didn't think they sounded normal,…
  • I think that whatever time you can remember to take it is the best time. ;-) Night time seems really well for most.
  • I did a bit at first! Not nearly as awful as you, that's for sure. I was turned off by the smell of cheddar dogs lol. I feel a bit more tired, maybe.. But with two kids 3 and under 2, a new bigger house, a great dane and sometimes looking after my nephew it's difficult to pin point where the tired comes from.. My friend…
  • Yikes, that sounds awful. If I were you, I would make an appointment with the Dr. If you have stopped this suddenly, I wouldn't start up at the regular dose again. I know someone who did and it make them really sick. I can't say that I have had these side effects, I'm sorry to hear that you have. 6-8lbs is the weight…
  • Way to go!! I find that I am much more thirsty too!
  • Hi everyone, I've lost 68.8lbs so far, 26.5 since joining MFP in February. I'm looking for friends to help motivate and support! Best of luck to everyone!
  • 199.5!!!! One day in onederland might be too early to celebrate, but, I'm going to anyway!!
  • You're welcome. I've heard that does help. I didn't have much nausea after the first week. I also found, that if I ate I felt better. If it helps, I've been on this since February 4th and I have officially lost 26.2lbs and I am now 199.5lbs. My highest weight was 268 when I was pregnant with my second son. Throughout my…
  • I'm at 200.5lbs and I'm feeling self destructive.. I don't understand why. I have so much more to lose.. Best of luck everyone!!
  • I used to have my dose around noon. It ended up being too busy at that time of day, now I take it around 630-700pm.
  • Personally, I didn't do that. I did it right on time. Did your Dr leave it to your discretion? I'd stick to the recommended doses and times. Only because even if the first dose doesn't give you side effects, the next dose might, but the one after that might not. That's what I've read. Best of luck, whatever you decide!…
  • Thank you very much. You will too!! It's so difficult with little guys. My boys haven't had too much separation anxiety, but, it can come and go in stages. When they are little they really trust their Mommas. You'll get there. I know how hard it can be to work on everything all at once. Try little increments of time with…
  • Thank you both!! I'm doing my best. 65lbs down from my heaviest!
  • By the time I am done, I'll have lost over 123lbs. So, I understand where you are coming from. I currently have 58lbs to go to my first goal of 145. I have a unicorn goal of 135. I am 32 and have two young boys who also deserve better from their mother. I want to take them places, like the swimming pool, the park etc and…
  • I'm down to 203.6 from my original 225.7! I've lost almost 8 inches off of my waist alone and a lot of my measurements are impressive. I've come a long way from 268, 20 months ago. Saxenda is really impressing me. I'm constantly going down. I'm still having a difficult time eating all of my allotted calories for the day.…
  • Thank you! You know how it is though, it's never enough. Are you feeling ok, aside from taste?
  • Glad you're back! Not actual taste, but cravings are different. As in, I don't have any..
  • I did increase my dose every week. Now, I am at at highest dose. I don't eat too much, but I never feel hunger the way that I used to. I ate well beforehand, now I just eat much, much, less. I never did crave sweets. I've had 2 chips, literally 2, since I started. I've had much smaller portions on or in smaller dishes. I…
  • I think this medication is great! I have been on it for just over a month and I am down 20lbs. I am extremely hopeful about this medication. My bloodwork was done over a week ago and everything is fine. What are you nervous about? I had a bit of nausea at first, and I can sometimes be tired. That said, I have two children…