tmjoellenbeck Member


  • I agree. I am a creature of habit. I had to find a class. Working out on my own was too easy to blow off. With a class people ask where you've been. I also discovered that I get a great endorphins rush from weights so I do a bodypump class at the Y. I committed to 3 days a week and I've been doing it. I need more cardio…
  • 56 but I need to lose a lot more than you all do.I'm already 36 pounds down but still have at least 50 to go. I'm in Illinois near St. Louis. I have slowly increased my activity but I'm stuck right now.
  • I've lost 36, but still have 55 to go. I'm an active Y member and I need someone to tell me not to eat pizza hut if I can't eat just 1 or 2 pieces. How do I send friend requests?
  • I'm near Waterloo. I use the Belleville and Monroe County Y's and Belleville Health and Sports Center.
  • I'm looking for an accountability partner too. It doesn't matter how much I log my food if I'm the only one that sees it. I'm mid-fifty's raising grandkids. I have lost 36 pounds since February, but I still have 55 to go and I'm stuck and need support.