tonyrosen Member


  • The only thing I can really think of is that you're back isn't straight, and you may have strained a muscle(?)
  • Don't :) ... just kidding The burger idea is best!!!!
  • If you're counting on calories from a high vegetable diet, you may be disappointed in how many calories you take in. I stopped counting them altogether, and eat green veggies as "free" (I don't even log them any more). I also tend to eat more veggies, since I'm ignoring how many I eat. Most veggies are "negative" anyway…
  • If your protein shake has over 180-ish calories, I wouldn't drink it at all. I don't replace any meal -- eatable proteins are better for you anyway. I do use protein shakes to increase my protein intake though. Raw food protein is best - but, the shakes keep my protein goals up.
  • I'm not really into all the scientific mumbo-jumbo others have posted in response - but, this is what I, personally, am experiencing .... I EAT, like something I have to chew, 5 meals per day. All of these are high in protein (I intake a LOT of protein). Between those meals, I have several protein laden "snacks" --- two of…