Well the weights are more like cardio. I don't stop. But regardless,I'm not too worried about that cause I'm losing anyway. I'm more just wondering if I should eat back 0% or 100%, or somewhere in between.
Bumpy Any other opinions or thoughts?
I can't imagine eating 1200 calories per day...I'd be dying lol. You must be small. I know its size, sex, etc specific, but when I hear 1200 I'm just shocked. I eat 2200 and I feel ok, but below 2000 I'd be a mess.ha
I stay within 50/100, and then when I get back to my ideal weight I just eat whatever again lol
I do cuts regularly, and they deff work. Just make sure you get your protein so you can still maintain muscle. I'm doing a cut right now again. Right now I'm trying to get back to 6'0 175ish. Cause I like how I look best. I'm 179 ish last time I checked.
I use mfp to get my calories, and I'm diligent with it. I believe it's very accurate. As for my exercise,I just use the ones that come up in the exercise category. Usually I do 20 mins of hard cardio, and then 45 mins of circuit weights (keep heart rate up). So I think 500 is fair. I like the idea of eating back 50% of…