agile_05 Member


  • @Rachel0778 @CariTJR - I've managed to keep my walking...3 days now. :) my feet hurt terribly today and im figuring out muscles which didnt exist after the previous day's brisk walk. So literally trotted today!! Yep...thats the hope people...that I pick up from here and go on to make it a part of everyday thing. I live in…
  • @Maree23032014 ...Hey Am new to this too. I'm a big foodie and I also love to cook it. I hear you. I know what you are talking about resisting the temptation. I try hard too. I can resist buying the stuff but not resist it when it is laid out on the counter/table in front of me. I guess, its also a beginner's problem you…
  • @irishjeepgirl1969 and @zenjen13 - Thanks for the encouragement and sharing your experiences. You know what - I too that I had a particularly good healthy eating day today and had still overshot by 200. Its interesting how much I've been fooling myself ;-) and there is no hiding from it now :)) The one big thing coming out…
  • @bluepoppies777 - Thank you. This is the first time I've ever kept any food log. What a revelation!!!! There is so much simple mindless snacking I'm doing through the day which adds up heavily. 2 days now and I and overshot big time on both days. I guess after a few days of log....I may have an idea how to cut and…
  • Thanks for the welcome Gilliansmith2, CariTJR, zenjen13. You folks are making great strides...its inspiring to see those updates for me. My first journaling in today and I overshot the calories in full. Well...there's only one way to go i guess. better?
  • Hi people...I just joined myfitnesspal last night. I have a big goal of 72 lbs to lose. Its been the monkey on my back for 4 years now. I did a couple of brief runs to get fit but they fizzled out. I've prioritized other seemingly more important things over it often and then there is the laziness!!!! This time round I want…