emelym1993 Member


  • 4’11- Weight 109. Im 24.. Started lifting 2.5 years ago in powerlifting and now I switched to more bodybuilding type of training since Ive started competing. Currently I squat once a week because now Im on prep but last sunday I did 4 sets of 10reps at 165. My 1 rep max is 245.
  • 10 min cardio before lifting isnt bad and doesnt matter much since in the end it boils down to simply burning calories. However this is assuming the cardio isnt too intense. For example, Hiit Cardio or Plyometric type cardio- Id do after lifting. You want more energy going into weight lifting since building muscle burns…
  • Hope I can help! First try finding patterns in the binge eating. When are you most likely to binge? At night, before bed, after a workout, etc. For me I would stick to diet macros alll day and come 7pm, my sweet tooth would take control & Id find myself eating 2 boxes of Cereal! Heres what I did once I noticed this- I…
  • Just depends. Leg days I do heavy Sumo Deadlifts & mix in hip thrust& RDLs (lighter/High Rep) etc. && Back days, If Im feeling up for it ill do conventionals. I deadlift at most 2-3xx a week. But If Im on prep, I dont deadlift on my back day just on leg days.