badcompany_78 Member


  • even though they are both 0 calories, water will be accepted better by your body then all the chemicals in diet soda.. Aspartame is a real killer... it causes problems in the way your body functions, which in turn makes it harder to loose weight. try flavoring your water with fruits and looks for healthier options like…
  • sprouted gran slice of bread with tuna (singel serve) and a little bit of mayo. ans 1/2 serving of unsalted pretzels.. sits around 250 calories.. and lots of water! :)
  • dont worry about your binge.. nothing will happen if you just continue your regular food and exercise schedule. The stress can caus eyou to gain because thats wat stress hormones do.. so relax and enjoy your vacation and that new bikini!
  • Assuming that you live in the USA, it takes a PHD Nutritionist to figure out all the BAD ingredients that are in the every day diet. even if you try to eat healthy. there are TONS of toxins, pesticides, fertilizers, fake super foods and other hidden crap in stuff that is considered healthy. so no it is never the fault of…
  • Hi! I am a mom of 5 and 8 year olds! wanted to let you know about something you may not have heard of... (even I still have it) it is called Diastasis Recti. it is a separation of the abdominal muscles (which happens to 66% of women) there are videos on youtube and lots of info on pinterest about it. including an easy self…
  • you can add me!
  • Sorry to hear about your back! that really sucks! You'll probably be fine to just walk and get your steps in. go for a walk outside (weather permitting) with your son. (I dont know where you live but here in North Texas the weather is spring like) the fitbit is a great motivator for me, cause I can see how well I am doing…
  • I am sorry your cousin is such an *kitten*... I know how hard it can be to change life styles, I am still trying (and failing ever now and then) I would love to help out, but I am no genius.. Start small... Here's a few tips that can help if you are not doing then already. Try not to drink your calories, Sodas, sweet tea…