Maasju Member


  • My son is a runner and he gets bad shin splints. 100, 200 4x100 and 400. We have tried a bunch of things. A coach recently told us to try New Balance and ditch his current running shoes and spikes. We have had trouble finding some to fit him so will likely have to order online (he's very young.) Good luck in finding a…
  • My mini-goals are the 10 pound marks on the scale. Each one I hit makes me work out just a little harder and watch my food choices just a little closer!! :)
  • I am excited for you!! I hit that goal this past month and I feel so unstoppable now! Good luck! You can do it!!
  • I lost 18.1 in February so I more than met my 8 lb goal. I'd love to get at least to 20 by St. Patrick's Day but I am extremely happy with what I have done so far! :)
  • I'd like to join. My goal is to lose 10 lbs by St. Patrick's Day (my birthday) by sticking to my carb count and exerrcise daily. Not comfortable adding my SW, CW and GW. :# First day using this app but I am pretty excited about it. Looks like a much easier way to keep track and stay accountable.