sosunni Member


  • First @ Burger2066 - GOOD job... stopping it the hardest part, staying stopped gets easier. I also use a sober tool on my phone and have either told folks I'm on medication or I fill my glass with what I want before someone wants to get me a drink. They don't have to know what's in my glass. :smile: Keep it up!!!
  • I'm at 10 months.... I was just drinking too much, too often for too long. Did dry January every year but with the stresses of my job and that I married a pilot with two kids from two different moms, I was self medicating to 'deal'... now, I choose if I want to be in a situation and when I don't, I don't. Kudos all around.…
  • They're not weird, you just don't know how to relate to them when they're the ones not drinking.