I do about 10-15 reps and however many sets it takes to reach the goal number. 15seconds inbetween for a decent breather/ water break lol. My back likes to click. So I tend to do as many as I can regular on ground, then switch to V-sits/twists and then to coreball for low impact :) You learn your body over time with…
@hobbeskastiel Go as far as your body will let you without hurting yourself. And complete any remaining later. Anything is better than nothing! Have fun with it! :#
Starting today!!! Miss doing the squat challenge! Let's do this!!
Thanks @freakymistkd ! Joined! Ive been slacking waaay to much!! Did u join?!
Amazing job @robins993 !!!
Day 14 and 15. Rest and 20 pushups!!! Got to 13 then started to struggle haha but tookmy time abd held my pose in the last bit! Can't believe how just that amount can get your heart going hahaha!
@rinalansi best of luck!!! And congrats on getting married soon!
5'4"1/2 :P wanting to loose 10-15lbs, but if I gain some muscle and loose the inches instead of that amount of weight I'm happy!
Ontario! (Oxford county, from perth county!) Go Jays Go!!!!
Posting for days 11-13! Rest, 15 and 15!!! Getting much harder!!!!
So close!!!!
Day 10! 12 pushups down!! Haha thanks @Strong_Women_Rock My wrists start to hurt and I get shakey. I do want to find some workout gloves, maybe a pair with some support? I've always had skinny wrists haha
@Shalini0072016 :( don't let it get the best of u! U've already lost some and that's amazing!!! If u need to take a break a bit from focusing on it all, just make sure u arent over eating and eat as healthy as u can :) and when your minds in it again, give it a go :)
Day 9, 12 pushups!!! Never dropped my pose! Just slowed down at the end. Ouch!!
So close @robins993 !!!
Day 8 rest!
Day 7, 10 pushups done!
Great job @robins993 !!! Feels good doesnt it?!
Posting for days 3-6 3- rest done 4 - 5 pushups done 5 - 10 pushups done!! 6 - rest!! Need it after easter dinner :P hahaa
day 2 5 pushups!
@seangruppetta79 Great idea! I'd love to get a kettle bell! So far just using a hand weight lol We've posted many different types of squats u can do in this thread, just original poster never did in the top section and seems to no longer be a member lols
There's a little camera icon on the right then files. Should help!
Yay @robins993 we can do this!
@TwinkieDong I wouldn't start at 5 if you're already able to do 40! There would be no benefit for you there! Start where you are comfortable! And maybe you will surpass 50! Maybe your goal will be higher than 50! :smile:
I've been doing all my pushups on my knees, so this will be neat to try!!! Day 1 5 pushups done!!
I'm in!!!! Be good for me since I completed my squat challenge! Yep post that u accept then post back if u remember whenever uve completed it all! I forget to sometimes! Lol I star the post till ive completed it :D @99hockeymom
Good @memery7 !!!
Great job everyone!!! Remember u can break them up into sets and reps! I always did mine fairly close together and using a different style each time!!
I accept. Just doing 50 though. :D
These always hurt my wrists So I just did 3 sets of 30secs :)