plantpoweredlifter Member


  • Vegan for the environmental and ethical issues first, but still care about the animals.
  • It's an overpriced crash diet and the workouts are nothing special, and the endless Shakeology shilling is extremely annoying. Also, stay the hell away from Beachbody Coaches - it's nothing but an MLM (pyramid) scheme and they know jack about fitness or nutrition - they're just glorified salesmen that want to push a shake…
  • Hey, fellow vegan checking in :) I get protein from seitan, beans, lentilles mainly. I wouldn't worry about "too many carbs", they are not the enemy. I generally eat 80/10/10 and I hit the gym 3-4 times a week and I'm building muscle just fine. Protein requirements are waaaaaay overblown by the meat, dairy, egg and fitness…