JessicaMcB Member


  • @Orphia I don't think anyone was talking about ketogenic weight loss protocols- me and @MNLittleFinn have been maintaining I think about as long as you have??? I feel like we all kind of hit that in a sameish time frame? So that wasn't a big consideration. We were talking about diets for performance (I personally don't…
  • I do it because I run the bush and am semi-neurotic about my packing as I described months ago...September or August maybe? I got fully into my crazy anyway haha! I've been training and racing that way for about a year, can't say my form is too ridiculous until I get over that 65 mile mark and by then everyone is *kitten*…
  • I mean I kind of do this, I train with 15-20lbs of gear and might race with 4. I am unsurprisingly faster on race day
  • Back in black (well pink but whatever man, same difference). Had a wildly instructive morning re: why naproxen is king in racing ultra #takeyouralevedammit @lporter229 so I've been keto for 2 years and carb loading/carb reintroduction are not "things" for legitimate ketogenic athletes, it kind of entirely defeats the…
  • @eponine1984 I agree with @MobyCarp- big cross training :/ So me and @MNLittleFinn we're talking about Canadian Death Race and think we should totally put together an MFP Challenge Relay Team for 2019 or later. Anyone want to play with us? @PastorVincent? @7lenny? @juliet3455? Buellar?
  • @7lenny7 see I'm on the opposite page from your wife- Ben is fully aware if he shaves his off (largely because plants he visits make him shave it off to enter -_- )I'm gonna whine about it haha January 1- 18 January 2- 20 January 3- 19 57/550 57/6000 2018 Races *Gord's Frozen A** 50K, February 19 *JAJA Trail Marathon,…
  • @7lenny7 kind of unrelated your beard looks awesome. You are clearly ready for your ultras this year- the beard is ready :D
  • Way to get it done @MNLittleFinn ! Well I made it to January 2nd before I had my first moose encounter of the year :D . January 1- 18 January 2- 20 38/550 38/6000 2018 Races *Gord's Frozen A** 50K, February 19 *JAJA Trail Marathon, April 1 *Red Deer Marathon, May 20 *Lone Wolf Last Man Standing Race, June 17 *Eddie's Half…
  • This is how I feel too, which is why I do speed work on tech trail- I want to be fast on tech not on flats because I am not interested in racing flats. We're the three musketeers of newbing :D
  • I'm gonna disagree with Koerner there to a point- I think if you run them right hills can be effing everything work :D . There is actual skill in running uphills fast versus competently imho. But I also don't have a bad *kitten* book haha I get the actual physiological "reason" in track work but it just seems so…
  • Haha @HonuNui I feel like that might be ambitious for the month of January where I open race season in February but you just never know ;) @Orphia so I have said this a few times before but pain ain't nothing but a thing. I think there's a difference between enjoying pain and enjoying the transcendence from acknowledging…
  • @juliet3455 I went to RaceTrax! I have the same relationship with Country Hills Running Room in Calgary though, they are so good to me! Will check that one out next time we are in Edmonton as I am very pro RR I chose to close 2018 on a rest day with my husband since he goes back on the road here right away. Big love to all…
  • Had my gait analysis done at the fancy city run shop and bought new trail shoes (praise Jesus!) before we took the girls to Galaxyland. Long *kitten* day man December 1- 18 December 2- 52 December 3- 20+8 December 4- 20 December 5- 16 December 6- 12 December 7- Off December 8- 29 December 9- 28 December 10- 161 [16:28:02]…
  • It ain't even January and I'm already late! I regret to inform you all that you are stuck with me for another year :D . In for 550k
  • @juliet3455 wicked course review man, thank you! Sounds chill enough to me. Will have to think more on it... Did a bitty bit of speed work on the dreadmill today because the kids were driving Ben crazy. Enjoying him being home for a hot minute for Christmas, not loving the decreased mileage :/ December 1- 18 December 2- 52…
  • Gah I didn't know about RVR hosting a winter ultra either! Not sure if that's the week of my MILs surprise 50th birthday party or if its the next week. Hmmmmm. So you'll be at Jasper too this year @juliet3455 ? What's your read of the course? December 1- 18 December 2- 52 December 3- 20+8 December 4- 20 December 5- 16…
  • @sarahthes I just realized you signed up for the MEC series @juliet3455 recommended- so excited for you! I might end up seeing you in Jasper...some conversations being had atm. @MobyCarp happy birthday! December 1- 18 December 2- 52 December 3- 20+8 December 4- 20 December 5- 16 December 6- 12 December 7- Off December 8-…
  • @PastorVincent you've got five days man, that's only 10 miles a day, you could do it!
  • Merry Christmas to me- made my December goal and resultingly exceeded my annual goal of 5,000km or 3,125mi despite this time last year having just had emergency surgery (with January mileage that reflected it :# ). I especially appreciate it being -38 while I was out there banging out the tail end of my annual goal. The…
  • @skippygirlsmom and @HonuNui it's not too bad because I had three pairs of thick tights on (thanks Canadian winter, you are the real VIP) but since I've had dealings with these dogs before and buddy just walked off after I confronted him, no apology, nada I am pissed off. The ER staff were mad as hell (P.S. Clearly I love…
  • What a coincidence- you guys are talking unleashed dogs on the day my run was cut short because one bit me. I am team if your dog is an *kitten* put them on a lead because I didn't fancy getting a tetanus shot at the hospital on Christmas :# Anyway Merry Christmas to everybody who is down with that! December 1- 18 December…
  • Yes he talks about having had scoliosis in his documentary, "Bolt". It was actually a great film- if you ever wanted to dislike Gatlin more than you potentially already do watch it! I remember finishing it and going off on a rant at Ben about how I feel dopers should receive a lifetime ban :D
  • Fun fact: 45k in -26 degree weather and blowing snow whilst three days into this stupid cold the girls tracked home from school is not as much fun as it sounds like. And then, because I wrapped a Saturday in less than 4 hours Ben asked me, "Why was your run so short?" :# December 1- 18 December 2- 52 December 3- 20+8…
  • Yes! When I confirm my entry for it (after registration for 2018 even opens obviously lol) I will let you know. Warning: I am a strange Canadian at the best of times- 6 days of racing almost guarantees I will be whacked :D
  • I love these questions and the answers so far (@7lenny7 snowy trails with Kody sounds like pure win in 2018!). 2018 Goals: -I only placed for overall gender twice this year, so I'd like to better that and run with the top 15% of men more consistently. -Strong finish at LSU100 and subsequent WS100 bid -Second BQ attempt at…
  • Busy last couple of days making treats for the two class parties my oldest two have today, getting all the teachers gifts set and all their classmate cards done. Happy they'll be off for a couple weeks now (even thought Ben is gone again right after Christmas). Considering just banging out what is left of my monthly…
  • @PastorVincent I am with you 100%. If I stopped tracking I would without a doubt be fat again. And eff that December 1- 18 December 2- 52 December 3- 20+8 December 4- 20 December 5- 16 December 6- 12 December 7- Off December 8- 29 December 9- 28 December 10- 161 [16:28:02] December 11- Off December 12- 6 December 13- 10…
  • Lmao guys I'm just your average ultra runner doing weird stuff and planning my next terrible awesome idea with the help of Google :D I think this will be your year for the sub 4 @PastorVincent !
  • Ben's OOT schedule is really messing me up this month- I feel like I've taken an excessive number of rest days :/ . And to the woo vs. hug discussion I like that they took a solid stance on woo being a negative reaction but hug seems a strange replacement for awesome. I would've nixed like and kept awesome personally- keep…
  • This. Distance and training consistency will be your friends in bringing up your 5k time from where it is right now. I personally would not fret over technical running items like fartlek work or 800m repeats or whatever at this stage in the game, master the distance first.