mariposawisdom Member


  • lIllinois- mid sized town NOT CHICAGO lol
  • :) hi. I'm new here too. Just trying to stay healthy and keep moving. I have health issues that prevent most exercise but will be happy to keep in contact and swap recipes!
  • I'm a chronic illness sufferer as well. I don't know if i will lose weight this time. I had before but at this time it's more about keeping my mobility and not GAINING while on constant steroids. My illness is the most debilitating form of Psoriatic Arthritis. There are 5 kinds. Anyway, I get that. Something helping me be…
  • I've got chronic pain and this is my second go round. Lost 40 lbs before, had increased arthritis inflammation and gained it back mostly through inactivity. I'm here to get / stay healthier
  • Thank you. No., my arthritis, called Psoriatic Arthritis Mutilans is a systemic auto immune disease that goes with a certain gene. While my feet and other weight bearing joints will benefit from weight loss, exess weight is NOT the cause, and losing the weight will not cure me. Neither will diet. There is no cure. I have…