victorious4ever Member


  • Here's one of my lazy healthy meals: Open a Heinz lentil soup can, pour contents into a glass bowl, and throw in a can of tuna. You can add onions, cheese and chilli if you have time. You can squeeze a lemon into it as well. Mix it all up. Microwave for 3-4 minutes. Eat with Oatcakes or just on its own. You can add any…
  • Welcome lad!
  • Here's an idea. Instead of controlling your diet, how about you just log everything you eat and count your calories? Do this for about a month and you will start to get a good idea of how many calories are in your regular foods. For example, I used to count my calories during the day but in the evenings I used to do a…
  • It is definitely a struggle when you are doing it alone. This is definitely a good shout!