Androoke Member


  • Hi! Yes I'd love to join you! I have about 20 to lose to get to my best ever. Would love to see your exercise routine and hear your story!
  • No reason to go below 1200. The problem is, those containers are not going to tell you how many calories you actually are eating. Chuck the containers, get a food scale instead, and start tracking accurately. [/quote] Perfect! I'm getting a scale!!
  • Thank you!! Yes that must be exactly my problem! I'm trying to go by those. . I might just be 'not intended' for. So how many calories did you consume a day to get where you are now?
  • Definitely a lot of things popped out from your original post. My weekends aren't always great. The inaccuracy when I'm logging. Condiments and oils. Lots to change. Thanks for making me think this through a bit better
  • Sorry I'm all for ideas! I was just responding to how I was measuring my intake. I've been told not to go below 1200 calories?
  • Well beachbody has the 21 day fix program which specifically lays out your intake for you. You follow according to the containers
  • Ok thanks for the tips. I've been following the beachbody p90 program. I'm logging 1200 calories a day. The last few weeks were maybe more around 800-900.