What?!! Does that read June 1st? Should read July 1st. It is still 16 pounds, and that is a healthy 1# a week weight loss. Let's see if I have a better day today. The hubs ate the leftover spaghetti, so starting with a fresh day. Probably going to work some abs and a quick 15 minute cardio sesssh. I will check in tonight…
Coffee drank, breakfast what?! I definitely want to work out today...shoulders maybe. I always feel so bloated after my first cup of coffee..or water. I just always feel that way no matter what. Maybe do a few things I have been putting off. Anything to keep my mind off food and that chocolate cake sitting in the…
I had to brush my teeth to keep from eating that piece of chocolate cake sitting on the island. Cravings are so rough. I hope I have a better day tomorrow. Maybe it would help if I planned out my meals. I am tired of being so fat. I am tired of looking dumpy. I am tired of people staring at me like I am some kind of gross…