When you start out you add lean muscle when you exercise which weighs more than fat by volume. This can be a trap if you stop with your plan now. Patience is so important. You will turn the corner. Adding that lean muscle will help you to burn more calories in the long run. is a long run.
I'm joining. I started my weight loss on November 4th the date of my last annual physical. My blood pressure and cholesterol were high and I did not want meds. My doctor said no meds ok but will check your blood stats again in 6-months and then see about meds. I'm losing weight. Started at 236.7 and am currently…
I'm always looking for some inspiring friends. Please add me. About me: working on a large weight loss of about 30 lbs. Met my first goal of 6-lbs, now moving on to my next goal of losing 4-lbs. Taking this incrementally as you can see. This is a tough time of year with the treats coming into the home constantly.
When I realized a 12 pack of my fav beer is around 1800 calories that bit of info helped me. I was drinking about a 12 pack a week and adding, in a sense, another days worth of calories to my week. No wonder I was not losing weight. I feel like I can still drink though I am way back and nothing this week. Good luck!
Hi MEGAN, I'm 14 lbs lost into my goal of 30 lbs. Eating at night is my biggest challenge. I'm walking to work and going to the gym so keeping active. Best of luck to you. Remember to be patient with yourself. Jeff, Lincoln, Nebraska