Here's a picture and recipe of our favorite tomato basil soup that we make!
Meant to say just heard about it from a beach body coach
Irish-haha :) It sure is better late then never!! The Jillian shred is hard to start with at first but you just go slower, stop and catch your breathe for 5 seconds when you need to and by day 8-9, you feel sooo much better doing it! I still have to catch my breathe 2-3 times during the work out and still can't do a normal…
Elle-hope your delivery and recovery goes well!! Let's do it! Let me know when up feel ready to start working out! Jlove-what's the 21 day fix? Is it the same as the 21 day sugar detox?... Rac-ill have to check out turbo fire. I've heard about shakeology yet I'd never be able to switch to it. Glad it works for you! :)