chaney3000 Member


  • I agree, eat before you go and just try small samples of the food. Not whole servings but a spoon full of this and that. And if anyone asks, just say I'm not that hungry.
  • Don't remember but I never really had a prob looking at myself naked in the mirror. I always thought I could be better but was ok with what I had to offer. Now, it's getting better and better as I push myself more and more
  • I crossfit. I have been absent for a while but I recently got back to it. My friend owns a box and I been with him since he opened so I just pay him a little whenever I can. Love it man. Shoot me a friend request if you want.
  • I started because of death. Watching people you love die and looking at the faces of the family they leave behind as they tear up and cry was all I needed. So I'm in search for the truth. The truth of who I am and how far can I push and how healthy can I become.
  • Ah man, not again. Where am I? Atleast you're cute
  • I couldn't force myself to eat that many in a day. I would be sick
  • Nice job guys. I have been running for years. I am planning on a recovery run in the morning of 6 miles. Half marathon and marathon distances. I haven't signed up for anything this year but I don't run many of those. I just like the peace that running brings me. If anyone needs any advice or help, let me know. Add me as a…
  • Nap time puts a new meaning to timed workouts....
  • I will be your buddy. Add me as a friend. I'm on here daily and I will help you as much as I can. I will be your biggest cheerleader. My diary is open and you can check it out anytime.
  • Well, it's a slow process to get to the point where you don't crave those cheat meals as much. Take your time and just cut them little by little. And soon enough you will be doing without
  • I like the Muscle tech whey protein vanilla. Not too expensive and it mixes well with my smoothie.
  • Add me, cause I love to do that. I have an open diary and I'm active on here all the time.
  • Man, I haven't seen Tekken or played it in a long time.
  • You buddy does it. I never been or even thought about going. He has been telling me about one they have in Atlanta, Dragoncon? I may be spelling / saying it wrong. I don't know. Not sure what I would ever be if I did decide to go do anything like that?
  • The scale is just a number. I weigh maybe monthly if that. If you stay on a good eating plan and stay below calorie limits, you will lose weight. Mix in some good diet choices and excersice will vastly improve your weight loss. So don't be afraid of a scale. It's only a tool. Keep pushing and working hard and you will see…
  • Increase your cardio, keep your calories low and rework your diet. Eating low cal is good but if your eating junk then that won't help you. Also, switch your workouts up to keep your body guessing to keep yourself constantly challenged.
  • You just started out so it's going to be tough. It's breaking out your comfort zone which your body is fighting now. Stick with it and it will be easier to get up and get it.
  • This sounds good
  • Hey, welcome back. I'm on here all the time. Socializing is fun here but I hope you do it in moderation. Anyhow, add me as a friend. I will cheer you on all day. Log your foods, log your excersices, network with different people on new routines and learn healthy recipes.
  • Well, I agree with bebeisfit. It's time to change up your routine. Recheck your food intake. Look at some of the things you eat and see what you can trim and improve. Maybe cutting some fats or sweets if you eat that certain thing. Also, venture into some new cardio activities and workout routines that challenges you. You…
  • I haven't thought about any rewards. I'm getting some tats so I guess you can call them rewards.
  • Well, I'm not the type to care what others think so I would be doing a set of burpees at the copier or some push ups. Look at him.....yeah, that's right I'm getting it in right here! But for you, calf raises, core holds, leaning push ups against the wall, walking around waiting for the print job (see how far you can go…
  • Wow, ok. So I'm a runner and have been running for several years. Running is an excellent way to burn off some calories. You are doing the right thing right now. Run and then walk. Your combo is just right for your level. Slowly increase the run times and keep the walk at 1 min. Up the time about 15 seconds a week. Once…
  • This is a simple fix. Call the police. Report the and if you see it again call the police again. Simple. After multiple fines, the owners will make sure to get the situation cleared up. I have a pit bull and she is the sweetest thing I know. With that said, I'm aware that others may fear my dog and don't want to risk…
  • Stay off the scale. Weigh yourself monthly. Not daily or weekly. Cut your calories to the recommended limit. DON'T cheat cause you are hurting you more than anyone. Excersice regularly. Get in some good quality cardio. And keep this up. You will lose weight.
  • I workout with my boy. We both are kinda obsessed with the gym so it's cool. Pushing each other to the limits. He is more gym and I'm more run so I push him running and he pushes me in the gym.
  • Friendship is essential to the soul! Add me as a friend. I have an open diary and will offer as much help as possible
  • Embrace the suck. Benchmark workouts suck but keep pushing and you will eventually see the benefits
  • Hey, I'm here for all the support you can handle. It's a long road you have in front of you but steady, consistency, dedication and endurance will see you through. Add me as a friend and check out my diary daily cause its open.
  • Hi, I'm a guy so I don't know if you want to talk with me or whatnot..... :# :# Nah, but seriously, I'm here to help as much as I can. I'm on here all the time and I try to give as much motivation as I can because it can get tough sometimes.