Thank you, I will definitely read it!
I have the same problem so I did some research and found a book that has helped me soo much. Hope, Help, and healing for eating disorders By Gregory L. Jantz When I refer this book to people everyone's first response is "I don't have an eating disorder" and that's okay, this book is also for something called "disordered…
The book isn't mainly for eating disorders but also "disordered eating". So basically when food becomes something other than to nourish your body in an addictive manor. I have the exact same problem though. I don't have an off switch when it comes to food. This past week I binge ate dried fruit and nuts which isn't good…
I have a problem with binge eating and emotional eating. It got to the point where I would eat non stop and then call my mom and cry about it. I was tired of waking up the next day with awful anxiety because of what I ate the day before because I worked so hard to get the weight off a few months ago and I was quickly…
I am 5'2 and I started out weighing 130 lbs and dropped to 110 in about 5 months. Working out is now my stress relief instead of food and I feel so much better