SCoil123 Member


  • You have to make it a priority. It’s important for us as parents to model healthy habits for our kids. My husband and I both workout and eat a relatively healthy 75% of the time so that’s what our kids do too. We all enjoy treats. It’s about lifestyle and balance
  • I’ve dealt with this during periods of my life where I was under a lot of stress. It almost ended a friendship with an old roommate when I accused her of eating my food when I was at work - turns out I had eaten the entire box of cereal the night before in my sleep. I do take sleep aids now which helped and have gotten…
  • This may be a strange answer but for me it’s my little loose skin pouch on my lower tummy. I’ve hated it and even considered surgery in the past. Now I look at it as representative of what my body is capable of. I have that pouch because I made a human! And after that I conquered weight loss and fitness despite thyroid…
  • I’m personally a fan of BMI which is why going even slightly above is something I have paid attention to. Most people I’ve seen who think it doesn’t apply to them have never been within a healthy BMI range. That said, I’m going to try not to stress on it anymore. Instead I will continue improving my fitness and chasing…
  • Thank you all for responding. Last time around I maintained for 3yr at about 10lb lighter than I am now but I didn’t commute and had a more active job. I also didn’t lift then though too. I guess in the grand scheme of things I’m happy where I’m at and definitely stronger so I won’t stress on the number
  • This!! My husband is a private chef in the Bay Area. Menus are designed 100% around client preference and need.
  • Op - how come in your original post you said you can’t have pork and dislike steak but then later said you can have pork you just don’t like it except bacon? There are a lot of little inconsistencies here. And if your kids both cook - one of them winning several awards - why are you eating out every night? Why aren’t they…
  • Same. I don’t event eat lunch until 2ish most days and I’m not even hungry again before 7 or 8.
  • It’s not realistic at all. With wheat and shellfish allergies I have to plan my meals out carefully. I review the menus before hand and make alternate choices in the event I get there and my first choice isn’t available. It is honestly more time consuming than preparing something at home most days. You are an adult. You…
  • Last night I had carne asada with black beans and Spanish rice - super easy and allergy friendly. Plus it was delicious. You are making this so much harder than it needs to be by only focusing on what you can’t have instead of looking at what you safely can. If you don’t like steak find different ways to prepare it that…
  • I’m definitely not buying that quitting alcohol can cure an allergy to something else. If that were true I’d be having wheat toast for breakfast. I can’t have wheat though - and because of my allergy many alcohols are forever a trigger for me already since they contain wheat. Not drinking didn’t change anything relating to…
  • Not drinking alcohol does not resolve food allergies. I didn’t drink a drop for 7yr...still have the same food allergies though
  • My largest meal has always been dinner with the exception of brunch once a week
  • As you build quad and hamstring muscle the shape of your legs will change. Lunges, squats, leg press, abductor and adductor machine, hamstring curls...all great exercises to target your legs
  • Sorry if this was already asked but what is your eating schedule and how many meals are you consuming in your eating window? If you’re consuming too many calories in a sitting for your body to comfortably digest that could cause some tummy issues - like bloating, excess gas, constipation, nausea, etc. I don’t do IF now and…
  • On call 24/7 isnt legal to require of staff anywhere that I’m aware of
  • Fitbit flex2 is designed to track swimming but I don’t think it has HR monitoring
  • OP I’m sorry that you are struggling but you really seem adamant against any suggestions people are trying to offer. I totally get that it is overwhelming and hard. You might not be ready for strangers advice or input even though you asked for it, and that’s ok. I was already deathly allergic to shellfish when I was…
  • Not all shredded cheese had potato traces. You can also shred your own cheese from a block.
  • I don’t typically have breakfast except black coffee so if it works to workout in the morning with my schedule I do it faster. If I end up working out after work I’ve always eaten first. I prefer lifting with food in my stomach and running fasted personally
  • I love my lululemons and got most of my pairs off of Poshmark gently used for a much lower price
  • That’s a lot of allergies. Have you been formerly diagnosed by a medical professional? It’s entirely possible that your allergen list is much shorter. I say this for two reasons- 1. If you were allergic to pork you would not be able to eat bacon either. Bacon is a cut of pork. 2. I thought I had developed multiple…
  • If you are dead set on getting a belt the knock off replacement pads on Amazon will work
  • Whole food diets normally advocate for single ingredient food sources - not that you have to eat the entire item. The food is “whole” being in its natural form without additives. So half and avocado is a whole food and so is part of a cow as a steak.
    in Vegan Keto Comment by SCoil123 June 2019
  • I aim to keep my macros pretty balanced and don’t do low carb. I do keep an eye on my protein and fiber only because I was not getting enough of either for awhile
  • I gained about 30lb back when I joined MFP and had substantial loose skin after gaining over 80lb when I was pregnant then losing it previously. I lost the 30 that I had gained back much more slowly while using a recommended lotion and have seen improvement. I will always have a little skin on my lower tummy though unless…
  • When you have an activity tracker synced you are not supposed to also manually add exercises here. That would create a double adjustment if the site allowed both. When you manually logged the burn the site adjusted out the tracker log for the same earned calories.
  • You’re welcome to your opinion. My goal was to be as simple as possible in the analogy so calling it over simplified is fine. Too often people come here thinking they will/can gain muscle and bulk working out in a deficit. Chances are extremely high they will not. There are rare exceptions to everything. I personally find…
  • Here is my simplest explanation- You need materials to build anything, this includes muscle. You couldn’t add another room to a house without buying new materials right? Hammering on the existing walls all day long without the materials wouldn’t build anything new. It’s similar with building muscle mass. Your body already…
  • I’m happy that treatment worked so well for you. To be clear though I wasn’t judging anyone. I was sharing my experience. For me I still have to eat less than other women my age, height, and activity level despite treatment. It’s not substantially less but enough that I’m aware. That isn’t good or bad - just my reality…