

  • i aim for 1560 according to MFP but generally struggle to get over 1000 with the exercise.
  • wow, thanks for all the great responses!! i dont feel like i am starving and i am eating very healthfully. the problem is that i am trying not to eat at night and with work i dont have enough time to eat often. i am not doing it on purpose and i know that if i was eating my normal bad diet i would have no problem getting…
  • i have been through all of them. i was i guess what you would call "exercise anorexic" in high school for a while, eating very little and exercising off what i did eat. i lost about 30 pounds in one month. i was also bulemic for several years using laxatives to control my weight. i was never what you would call thin…
  • green smoothies, definately the way to go. mix the strawberries or other berries (blueberries are very sweet and great for you) in and some banana and the veggies are not detectable. you could even add splenda if you need to for sweetness.