glutenfreemama1 Member


  • I do yoga with the kids sometimes. It can be fun but half the time I end up with my toddler trying to climb on me while I'm trying to balance, lol. The older kids love yoga.
  • I think it can be easier to quit something cold turkey than to moderate. You can never quit eating, you must learn to be moderate. I tend to be an all or nothing person. It can be a good thing, but it hasn't worked with food
  • I know I need to do this for myself. I am still active, always moving and I can keep up with the kids at the park, etc. But soon enough I'm sure I will have health problems if I let things go. I really don't like how I look and feel. I'd like to be confident in my clothing. Its also daunting thinking about how many pounds…
  • I think I just need to find a time where I just shut myself in my room and work out. I have an elliptical machine, resistance bands and a yoga mat in my room. I can 45 minutes of something while my 12 yr old helps out watching the younger 2. I think I will probably end up paying her for that just so I can have no excuses…