At the least ur proteing needs to be 1g per pound of body weight to maintain muscle. This is for an average person. For ur carbs stick with brown, black and Jasmine rice, regular oatmeal and sweet potatoes
Food as soon as you wake up is very important because while you're sleeping your body is still feeding so a normal breakfast in the morning is the best thing to eat especially if you're going to work out. So if I was you, and I was working towards a greater physique or a stronger body I would wake up earlier to make sure I…
If you really want to go a really healthy route try using spaghetti squash as your pasta
Always way all food except oatmeal after cooked because manything will cook down which means ur actually eating less and the other way around as well
Dees Nuts hahahahaha
Cook all ur own food lol thats the only way
You can always use google
Are green vegetables such as spinach broccoli cauliflower zucchini asparagus are all considered free calorie food because your body will burn off more calories digesting it then it will absorb and these foods are also high in fiber so they don't count as carbs. I'm prepping right now for a classic physique competition in…
A glass of red wine is best for u
Lmao that's too funny
That's a shity workout partner sorry to say but a workout partner needs to be somebody do you push to go to the gym when they don't want to go and who pushes you to go to the gym when you don't want to go. Needs to be somebody who you can rely on and that's really hard to find
Yeah i get that but thats the difference between men and women in the gym lol women use the time to gossip and catch up with each other you guys on the other hand use the gym time to lift and do work. Well at least that's what I noticed at my gym LOL
Lmao no doubt but ur worried about weight and im not a weight lifter, I'm a body Sculptor/ Classic physique competitor
If your using Pandora that has a few strength training stations
Love it/ cant live without it Chicken lol
Repetition is always key. Constantly doing or eatining the same thing will give you results, there's no doubt about it!
A great workout program that started me with great success is called MFT28 by Greg Plitt. U can find it all on YouTube. The workout is ur cardio as well if ur doing it right