Ariaf Member


  • Hey buddy, another 2lbs this week!! Thanks for the other day....starting to up the exercise and watching what I am eating a lot more carefully..the food log is helping. Hope things are progressing well for you
    in Bristol uk Comment by Ariaf March 2016
  • Did just have a couple of chocolates!!! It was easier to give up smoking!!! I think that's why I reloaded the app as i can/could undo all the effort snd yes, no need to be down...after four weeks just need a little pep talk. Thank you, another day tomorrow and will be on it :)
    in Bristol uk Comment by Ariaf March 2016
  • I still want to lose more weight (fat)...I think it's just that I start eating easy foods...things with sugar etc and stop exercising...what do you do to stay on track?
    in Bristol uk Comment by Ariaf March 2016