Wow, amazing! Congrats with your success
I have the same goal, maybe friend up to support and exhange tips and tricks as we go?
I recognize what you're saying. It can be unmotivating when you see you lost nothing. I have other goals then the scale as well to make me feel good and motivate me, such as going to the gym that day, or not going over my cal. I still weigh and log everyday as well as do measurement once a month.
the Netherlands
Feel free to add me, some info: 25, student, and working to lose 60-ish lbs. So i'll be on here for a while ;)
Yes please, I like more friends ;)
Yes please! I have more to lose, but feel free to add
haarlem, the Netherlands
Thx for replying! I'll add you all :)
Feel free to add me! More friends are always good
Really new here and looking for motivation friends