eddyw1950 Member


  • I would hardly say (from a general sense) that they are really great people. If u arent in it for the money you are probably just doing it to show yourself off. If u genui ely are in it to help people u wont be offering unqualified advice and posting it on social media for anyone and everyone to absorb. Every one has their…
  • You know what a big problem with bb coaches are... unqualified people on here arguing about health and nutrition... what is right... what is wrong. Posting things based on personal opinion rather than proper facts that only a trained professional should be answering. THAT is what is WRONG with bb coaches.
  • As long as u are offering proper guidance, and documenting eveything and learning about each one if your clients before hand. Also as long as u arent researching exclusively on the internet only and using credible resources. Offering advice is left to those who have proper qualifications.. and have followed their code of…
  • Bb coaches are not victims, they should know bwfore handig out advice that it is wrong and just because THEY had a possitive experience for themselves doesn't equate to everyone else. I think it is unethical.
  • I would hardly say they are victims. Someone who thinks it is ok to give advice regarding something they have no qualifications to give... this is unethical. I don't so selling medical prescriptions to ppl because I enjoy medicine, im not qualified. I cant speak for all of these coaches but i have noticed many misinforming…