Sharons_solution Member


  • I just received my Blaze yesterday afternoon in the mail - I think I am going to love it. I sure hope so ....I decided to sell my Apple Watch and go with this. I also have a Fitbit Flex which I am keeping for times when I am doing rougher activity (kayaking for instance) and don't want to risk my Blaze getting scratched. I…
  • Sharon, 51, North Carolina - 55 pounds post menopausal weight is hard to lose but I know it is possible and I WILL do it! Looking for friends to encourage/be encouraged by.
  • Hello everyone - I love the idea of a smaller group so we can truly support each other. My name is Sharon and I live in beautiful coastal NC with my husband of almost 23 years and our 3 dogs. My weight has been a problem my entire life - I was the queen of yo-yo dieting through my teens until my mid-40s. Something snapped…
  • yogurt...I know most people love it but blech. Tastes like spoiled milk. I would eat liver first
  • I have a Fitbit Flex - love it!
  • I would love to join - I have been losing and gaining the same 10 pounds for far too long. I am working with a nutritionist and planning to do a modified Whole30 in May to start taming my sugar demon and to lay off the wine for a while (love a glass in the evening but for this post-menopausal women it piles on pounds...not…
  • Add me please! My diary is open to friends and I need some accountability. The evening glass of wine and snacking is sabotaging all my efforts.