kxh507 Member


  • Also, add a piece of fruit or veggies to the nuts. Perfect snack! Note: eating fiber is important. If you don’t normally eat a lot of fiber, gradually increase your daily amount to a goal 30 grams. If you increase too fast, you may feel bloated and uncomfortable because it can cause flatulence😀
  • 1 ounce of almonds is a good snack-it has approx 6 grams of protein, and 160kcals. The fat and protein are good fillers.
  • If you share you diary, I can help you make adjustments. Go to Settings, diary settings, diary sharing, friends only. If anyone is interested in sharing their diary, it would be helpful for me and I think it is a good support system. If I know your calories, I can tweak the macros as needed and make additional diet…
  • 50carbs, 20 protein and 30 fat is a good balance (less than 10% of your fat should be saturated fat). We can always tweek it but those are the recommendations for a healthy balance. Consume lean proteins and mix up you CHOs (whole grains, fruit, dairy, beans, etc)
  • Please let me know if you have any questions!:)