Florameow Member


  • This is absolutely the best! broccoli soup I have ever eat! and is soo easy to make. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dxp0MFy-qpI I'm a college student so money and time are the two things that I don't have. So here is the channel of a vegan girl who gives very convenient recipes when there is not time or money to cook.…
  • My reasons to be vegan are sooo many! But I think the most important of all is my practice of yoga "Ahimsa" which in my practice means Non-harming. And after I did a lot of research I found how much pain ad suffering I was creating around the world and in other living beings by eating animal flesh and products.
  • When I first went vegan it helped me a lot to do research about my favorite recipes in vegan versions. Thankfully I was able to find very tasty replacements for cheese like CHAO, and meatless burgers and sausages Field Roast, and absolutely delicious chicken substitutes slow roasted chick'n tofurky
    in New here Comment by Florameow April 2016
  • Hi guys, I'm Flora, I'm 26 years old and I have been vegetarian for the past 3 years and a vegan for the past 4 months. Many times I tried to go vegan but without success and I would love to try harder this time. Thank you for all your support :blush:
  • I have had my fitbit for 7 months :blush: