StephanieStaffordMead Member


  • Best thing is the Power Mediterranean Salad. It only has about 400 calories with dressing so you will want something else too, but it is SO good.
  • You need to remember what made you start last time, what was your motivation? Set some small attainable goals. Like say you will exercise 4 times a week or you will eat more veggies. You have to really want to make the changes too.
  • Most people think that having breakfast be your biggest meal, lunch smaller and dinner smallest is the way to go. When do you do your exercise or when are you most active? 1200 calories seems a bit low. A lot of people also suggest having 3 main meals with 2 or 3 healthy snacks depending on how long you are awake each day.…
  • It is hard to get in exercise when you are so tired, I totally understand that. One of the main things to help you lose weight is going to be in what you are eating. Make sure you are eating meals that are well rounds, and full of nutrients. Be sure to get enough water and you will want to cut out any soda or overly sugary…