annieerichi181 Member


  • Hi!! I just came back as well! I'm from WA though, we have great hiking out here haha. :) Feel free to add me, maybe we can motivate each other. :)
  • Welcome, I'm on day two as well! Downloaded the app forever ago but never got around to using it, I think it's about time I got my lazy butt back into shape... Maybe we can motivate each other! Good luck!
  • Hi! I'm a mom of one boy, I just had him back in October. My overall weight loss goal is super close to yours - if you want we can help motivate each other and keep each other on track! ☺️
  • Hi there! I'm from WA and have one baby, an almost 5 month old son. I'm in the same boat as you - during my pregnancy I gained like, 40 pounds or something! I'm breastfeeding as well, and lost like half that weight almost right away, but wouldn't you know it the holidays were right after I had my little one and I gained…
  • Oh wow! That is incredible! Congratulations! I know how hard it is, going places with your kids and wanting to hide - just yesterday we took our son to the aquarium for the first time. Hubby took a bunch of pictures and I was just absolutely APPALLED by how I looked in them. That's not how I want my son to see me! You've…
  • Thank you for your words of encouragement - we've been adding in walks and trips to the park to our daily routine as weather permits, his first few months on this earth is was way too cold and rainy here in WA. But he loves getting out in the fresh air and honestly so do I... I look forward to summer and taking him on nice…