I would like you to know that you are the focus of all our family's best wishes and positive thoughts. you are in good hands I am sure.
Combining MyFitnessPay and here I have lost over 2 stone. The recipe section is vey good.
I prefer to preplan with the objective of achieving my protein goal first, then fats, and then finesse to keep within calory and carb limits. Looking over several days makes it easier to do the shopping. Chicken, tuna, mackeral are the main foods I tweak when finessing.
See restrict carbs for weight loss, and relax your calorie target. Eat 80g each of 5 different veg to fulfill your carb requirement yf day 20 to 25g per day.
Trying to figure out why my phone won't connect to the internet.
If you want to burn the fat, run with a calorie deficit but also restrict your carb intake. I experienced a 9kg reduction in 12 weeks using this approach which involved no processed foods and my 30g a day carbs came from eating steamed veg.