DaleLatham1 Member


  • Hi Weigh yourself first thing in the morning on an empty stomach (after using the toilet) and record this. At the end of the week you can then have an average for the week and gain a more accurate reading. There are a number of things that can affect your weight (previous carb intake ((water storage)), glycogen levels,…
  • Hey There are plenty to choose from on MyProtein (https://us.myprotein.com/home.dept). There's an Active Women Range and other powders which match your needs. Hope this helps!
  • In terms of the post workout meal that totally depends on your current nutrition goals. For example I would recommend a protein source (as per every meal of the day) and a good portion of your carbohydrates for the day at this meal if your macros allow. Centering your carbohydrates around your workouts is generally…
  • Short answer - you're not eating enough! Basically its calories in vs calories out. If you're expending more than you're consuming then you will lose weight. (DEFICIT) If you're expending the same as you're consuming then you will maintain weight. (MAINTENANCE) If you're expending less than you're consuming then you will…
  • agreed, far better exercises/resistance machines to isolate the upper chest but do whatever works for you bro!
  • Some helpful suggestions above.. My initial thought would be to support the bar slightly raised from the ground therefore reducing the ROM for the lift. Once the form is solid (and she is confident) you can look at gradually reducing the distance of the bar from the floor increasing the ROM each time. Once she is DLing…
  • Personally what works for me and my sanity is adding in an extra cardio session/more time on your current cardio sessions before reducing food intake which may impact your energy levels for training. This is if you have the time of course and once you've exhausted that avenue then maybe look to lower calories. Good luck!
  • Send me a message bro, fitness model and happy to share any knowledge I have that you may find could help