alka78 Member


  • Level 2 completed. Whoo Hooo! I haven't watched level 3 yet so a little bit scared...
  • Well done Sara!! Level 2 day 7 just completed. Gone back to healthy eating and the pounds are dropping. I'm now inspired to go for a jog. Hope I make it round
  • Level 2 day 5 completed. Half way there!! Feel stronger but still looking for result. Back into healthy eating. So hopefully wil see something
  • Thanks Sara for the motivation. I need to get my healthy eating back on track. Hopefully will see inches dropping soon. Yeah I took photos and measurements.
  • Day 4 level 2 completed. Back to healthy eating
  • Well done Sara. Are you seeing some improvements? Feeling a bit deflated as scales are going up, but probably more to do with diet over Easter
  • Well done Jess. I took a break today, one knee is playing up. A bit sore from lunges. Back tomorrow to tackle day 4. My suggestion to slunsford1120 is keep it up. I think it takes 2 weeks before you may notice a difference. If the exercise is getting easier that is a sign you are getting stronger. Also when you tone up you…
  • Well done Sara. Like the idea of a trampoline. I've also done level 2, two days. Taking a break today as really sore muscles especially my arms. Too much plank!!
  • Well done Jess!! 1 day completed 9 to go. I also struggled with all the plank work. Also my DVD messed up in the middle so I had to take the iPad from my screaming little girl and finish the work out from YouTube. I was suppose to go for a run, but after tennis yesterday I'm shattered. Have fun rock climbing, your…
  • Level 1 completed and half an inch lost on my muffin top. Whoo hoo! Only 1.5lbs lost, was hoping for more but then again I'm not on a strict diet just making an effort to eat healthier. Keep up the great progress everyone. Remember any exercise is great!!
  • Day 9 and 25mins run...feeling good!! Well done those who completed their exercise today!!
  • Thanks Ally, I'm trying to do something similar. Swapping swimming for jogging
  • Hi Jess would be great to keep Each other on track. Also did day 8 today. Tomorrow day 9 and a 25 min run. Will keep you posted on how I do
  • Hi all, looking for motivation to stay on track. Completed level 1 day 7 too. Beginning to enjoy it!!
  • Day 6 just completed. Didn't think I would say this when I started, I'm actually enjoying level 1!!!
  • Hi I'm looking for a community to keep me motivated. After Christmas and winter indulgent I'm trying to loose my winter warmth (aka fat). I weigh 120lbs and am 5'4" so just want to loose a few pounds but more importantly I want to loose a inches and tone up for summer. I'm also jogging 2/3 times a week for 20-30mins at a…
  • Very impressive Ally2009. Did you do any other exercise or diet?