clbrto Member


  • Hi, I'm a 56 yo woman who's lost about 130 lbs (so far) using 16-8 IF, and I also fast completely on Mondays (which would be 6-1 IF). I also keep my non-fast days under 1540 cal, and restrict carbs. This article got me started with IF My feeding window is…
  • I'm looking forward to rejoining that club too - congratulations sw 359 cw 228 gw 159
  • Here's some ideas to consider trying: A low carb diet (you mention wanting to eat less pasta, instead of porridge and banana, have eggs and strawberries for breakfast) Or skip breakfast altogether Some…
  • Played badminton for the first time in years yesterday with my personal trainer (and won)
  • Hi! First post here, been doing IF 16-8 since December 2014, has lost about 120 pounds in that time (359 to a current 232). Also do low carb, no sugar, and 5-2 IF often, or at least once a week. I too am not a morning eater, so having excellent coffee is treat enough for me. (This is the article that originally got me into…