Almost i'll round up :) Just started back on MPF Looking to lose about 35 lbs.
That is a beautiful dog. Don't let the first few days get your down. Take your time and get your body used to eating healthier. Going "cold turkey" into a healthy lifestyle can really jolt your system and have some negative affects on your mood as you feel like you are starving each day. In my experience at least :) I just…
Yes but now my SpongeBob pillow won't look me in the eye.... How old were you when you lost your virginity?
Macintosh apple.....
Cardinals!! Ever since "Jake the Snake"!!
Fantastic work!! Love the dedication!! Gorgeous, congrats!!
Not sure if I did the "quote" thing correctly but "You look like a breeder" is pure gold lmao. That boy had some balls...
I took a 3 yr and 40 lbs
Few weeks ago...Deadpool WTLT you played a board game?
Feel free to add me if you are still looking :)
I don't see a problem with having a drink after work each night at all. Just keep up with your exercises and eat fairly healthy. One glass of wine isn't going to kill your diet. Supposed to be HAPPY and healthy anyways!! Good luck!
Windsor, Ontario....and yep we got a bit of the white stuff this weekend.
Garth Brooks in Detroit, Mi last year (I think it was last year)
Yeah we had some of the white stuff on the weekend too. Can't complain too much this year though, been a really mild winter compared to the usual.
New friends always welcome :)
This is the only interaction I get with adults on
Now this is more like it! Any fellow Canadian looking for a motivation buddy feel free to add me :)
Back in my could actually fail a grade in elementary school and have to do the grade over again.
Blue Pretzel to the rescue!!
No worries. There aren't many advantages to working afternoons but one is getting to enjoy the daytime in peace and avoid all the line ups in the stores :#
38 years young!
Working :(
Windsor, Ontario
I confess that in the past decade I have only bought one new shirt (Back to the Future...loooove it).
Smile and a sense of humour to go with it :#
Alright!! Nice to see the Canadians start to pop up!!
Always enjoy having positive people around!! Feel free to add me if you like :)
Lol I'm actually an Islanders fan (see hat) lol
Ontario here as well.... Nice to see there is at least one other Canuck on here!